Tag: st francis

Alumni Spotlight: Zachery Winslow '11

Alumni Spotlight: Zachery Winslow '11

Meet Zachery Winslow, one of our 2011 TFS graduates. Zach came to TFS in 2007 and stayed for five years. During his time here, he learned valuable skills that

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Alumni Spotlight: Andrew Schnittker '11

Alumni Spotlight: Andrew Schnittker '11

One year was all it took for The Franciscan School to make a lifelong impact on Andrew Schnittker. Coming in as a new eighth grader, Andrew dove right into life at

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Alumni Spotlight: Sheevanie Casimir ‘15

Alumni Spotlight: Sheevanie Casimir ‘15

“I am proud to be a Timberwolf.” To Sheevanie Casimir, The Franciscan School means family and belief. She attended TFS from 1st through 8th grade, graduating in

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Alumni Spotlight: Gerilyn Maselli ‘15

Alumni Spotlight: Gerilyn Maselli ‘15

“This We’ll Defend.” This is the United States Army's official motto, as seen on the Army flag and Army emblem. As a 2nd Lieutenant Infantry Officer, TFS Alumna

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Service, ROTC, and the Army: Alumni Spotlight Charlie Davis ‘16

Service, ROTC, and the Army: Alumni Spotlight Charlie Davis ‘16

At The Franciscan School, we welcome new students into all grades. Whether at Kindergarten, in the elementary years, middle school, or even in 8th grade, students

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Swinging Into The Future: Alumni Spotlight, Chris Sperrazza '15

Swinging Into The Future: Alumni Spotlight, Chris Sperrazza '15

The middle school years can often be the most formative and impactful years in a young person’s life. During those years, kids often try new things, explore

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The Storyteller: Alumni Spotlight, Alex Jenny '18

The Storyteller: Alumni Spotlight, Alex Jenny '18

Alex Jenny loves to tell stories. She likes to make people laugh, capture special moments, and help bring joy to the lives of others through filmmaking. As a 2018

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From the Balance Beam to Engineering: Alumni Spotlight, Gabby Kistner '13

From the Balance Beam to Engineering: Alumni Spotlight, Gabby Kistner '13

For alumni Gabby Kistner, gymnastics has always played a large role in her life. Beginning at age two and competing at age eight, Kistner spent thousands of hours

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Serving with Passion: Alumni Spotlight- Lexie Burns ‘12

Serving with Passion: Alumni Spotlight- Lexie Burns ‘12

For Lexie Burns, a Franciscan School 2012 graduate, serving others has become an integral part of who she is. Service is one of the three pillars in TFS’s motto,

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On My Honor: TFS Graduates to Eagle Scouts

On My Honor: TFS Graduates to Eagle Scouts

“On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong,

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